Sunday, October 13, 2013

Side effects on the Paleo diet

Many ways people do to form a slim body . In addition to exercise , diet or keep the diet was performed . One popular type of diet is also known as the Caveman Diet or the Paleolithic .

Paleo or Caveman Diet is not without controversy . Some experts claim that humans have adapted to a wider diet including grains , dairy , and nuts . While some other experts questioned the logic of evolutionary evidence this diet , even though the grain and dairy seems healthy .Nutritional Sciences reveals new findings about healthy food and some experts say that we need to do is eat like a Stone Age ancestors to be healthy .

This diet has many names such as the Caveman Diet , Paleolithic ( Paleo Diet ) , Stone Age , and the Warrior diet . This diet is based on eating wild plants and animals is similar to that of cavemen around 10,000 years ago . Bodies are genetically programmed to eat like paleolithic era ancestors , quoted by WebMD , Friday ( 09/06/2013 ) . 

balancing nutrition

This is done to balance the dietary intake of nutrients and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases . Some experts say the Paleo diet is a very healthy diet .

" The typical Western diet is responsible for the epidemic of obesity , heart disease , diabetes , and many more , " says Professor at Colorado State University and author of The Paleo Diet , Loren Cordain , PhD .This diet is based on foods that can be hunted with fishing such as collecting food paleolithic era .These foods include meat , fish , shellfish , eggs , nuts , vegetables , fruits and grains .

On this diet , a person who runs will skip the salt and drink nothing but water , coconut water or organic green tea . Honey and coconut sugar are also consumed , but with a limited number .Some experts suggest that support this diet of organic food consumption , wild-caught fish , and meat from animals that eat grass because of its nutritional quality similar to that obtained by the ancestors .

Nutritionists calling for years for a clean diet based on lean meats , fruits , vegetables and less sugar , sodium , and processed foods ." People who ate a diet high in whole grains , legumes , and low-fat dairy tend to be healthier because these foods are rich in nutrients , " says Assistant Professor at New York Albert Einstien School of Medicine , EdD Keith Ayoob , RD . 

less variation

The American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Heather Mangieri , MS , RD says , " This diet has some outstanding aspects , but made ​​untenable limitations , including the lack of variety , and potential malnutrition " .Way to Eat writer , David Katz , MD also said that eating directly from nature much better , but what about the Paleo diet can be compared with the long-term results for the Asian diet , the Mediterranean , vegan or other diets were optimized .

Although diet including controversial among some experts , clinical trials have shown that the Paleo diet has many benefits ." This diet is the optimal diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , blood pressure , markers of inflammation , help you lose weight , reduce acne , improve optimal health and athletic performance , " explained Professor at Colorado State University and author of The Paleo Diet , Loren Cordain , PhD WebMD quoted on Friday ( 09/06/2013 ) .

Need to include calcium and vitamin D

Various benefits that because a diet rich in protein and plant foods contain fiber , protein , and fluids that work together to meet , control blood sugar and prevent weight gain and type 2 diabetes .According to Cordain , eating like our ancestors 80 percent have health benefits . He suggested trying a diet for two weeks to see the development of the diet .

A diet that includes whole unprocessed foods is the basis of nearly all healthy dietary recommendations . This diet will help meet the nutritional needs and contribute to a balanced diet program .If cavemen selected as the program according to the experts in order to complete the program with calcium and vitamin D. ( Mia / )

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